Haylee VandenHam 的個人檔案

First Semester Portfolio

Portfolio for Semester One
blind beauty
she would call herself ugly and hated any photos taken- becoming very self conscience until i took this photo without her knowing, to this day she enjoys this photo and has never enjoyed another as much as this one
blissful happiness
the beauty smiled for the first time in 6 months after stress and living in others shadows; once she smirked and let out a laugh you could not get her smile to lower anymore than this for hours
bad decisions
this picture is the last picture taken of him before he slit his wrist and went down a bad path, attempting to end his life 3 times since this photo was taken- this photo is 7 months old
beyond boarders
this was when I went to Paris on my last night- truly remarkable and beautiful 
beauty from beyond
took this of a spot when a man dove in and did not quite miss the rock, he died instantly, I took this as soon as the trail was reopened
this was a photo that i took before me and a friend were in a life or death situation; we were asked for our last words and we looked at the moon and said our goodbyes- right before it happened, the police arrived.
beach- tides- fire
early morning beach time led into high tides and people being rescued from the tide's pull and the night ended with this picture before the restaurant had to evacuate due to a nearby fire that had started
burnt skies
a nasty fire occurred not too long ago that was really harsh, this photo was taken the final evening it was lit- after the nasty smoke dialed down there were clouds of smoke and ash with a burnt pink/red sky 
First Semester Portfolio

First Semester Portfolio

best of the small bunch I have submitted to this visual imagery class along my journey

