Spencer Goldbach profili

The Health Hazards of Graphic Design

These are some of the health hazards of graphic design.
It all starts with a great idea ...
but we are not aware of the health hazards that lie ahead ...
We tend to overthink things and become overwhelmed ...
Overthinking results in a lack of sleep ...
When we do not get enough sleep, many of use rely on caffeine ... sometimes too much caffeine ...
Staying up for hours on end means staring at the computer for hours upon hours ...
And then you feel as if your eyes have caught on fire ...
Taking frequent breaks is nice, but distractions seem to be everywhere ...
And who has time to cook when you're trying to meet a deadline? Fast food anybody?
Maybe one day we can all afford a nice Herman Miller desk chair ... One day ...
When your client requests tangible mock-ups, things can get a bit messy ...
Need I say more?
The Health Hazards of Graphic Design
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The Health Hazards of Graphic Design

We have all been there, tight deadlines, late nights, the occasional sliced finger. These are some of the health hazards designers experience.

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