Profil von Margarida Almeida

Photojournalism - Theme: architecture

Pequeno trabalho com o tema dado "Arquitectura" elaborado para a cadeira de Fotojornalismo, lecionada Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humandas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Small project with the give theme "Architecture" elaborated for the subject of Photojournalism, lectured in the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences from NOVA University of Lisbon)
New York
Summer 2017
New York - Wall Street
Summer 2017
New York - Park Avenue
Summer 2017

New York -Times Square
Summer 2017
Boston - Paramount Theatre
Summer 2017
Rainy New York 
Summer 2017
Photojournalism - Theme: architecture

Photojournalism - Theme: architecture

