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自敘.心境—故宮書法VR發表會 The Spirit of Autobiography


國立故宮博物院與爻域互動設計聯手將於2016年12月16日公開發表全球首創的書法沉浸式虛擬實境VR裝置「自敘.心境」,本件VR新作取材自院藏唐代書法名家懷素的狂草名作〈自敘帖〉,作品發表會於宏達電總部1樓舉行,結合情境展演,打造出如真似幻、前所未有的VR體驗場域。藉由HTC Vive裝置帶領觀賞者沉浸於以狂草出名之唐朝書法家懷素《自敘帖》墨韻、飛白之文本世界中,領略外境、意境、心境的轉換,呈現從微觀到巨視,引導觀者理解懷素的書畫意境創作精隨、感悟心境產生共鳴,進入一場虛實交錯、古今穿梭的奇幻旅程。

New Independent Cross-Domain Integrated Art Trend
The Spirit of Autobiography: National Palace Museum VR Calligraphy Presentation 

On December 16th, 2016, the National Palace Museum and xXtralab Design will hold an official screening of the virtual reality installation, The Spirit of Autobiography, which is based on the famous calligraphist Huai-su’s running script masterpiece titled Autobiography. The first of its kind, this calligraphy VR installation integrates situational displays to simulate a convincing experience zone. The screening will take place at the HTC Corporation Taipei Headquarters .Experience the conversion from the outside, to the inside, and to spirituality, where the microscopic is rendered in holographic form. Audiences are guided through the creative essence of Huai-su’s calligraphy, where they can feel the resonance of spirituality. Embark upon a fantastic journey into a world where reality, imagination, and time intertwine. 

HTC總部外一景  HTC Corporation Taipei Headquarters
記者會背板  Press Conference Backdrop
VR體驗區  VR Experience zone
新聞稿  Press release 
說明稿  DM 
識別證  Badge 
雜誌廣告  Business today Ad

Client: 國立故宮博物院
Project: 自敘.心境 — 故宮書法VR發表會 
Type: 視覺設計

Client:  National Palace Museum
Project: The Spirit of Autobiography
Type:  Graphic design 

爻域互動科技設計 xXtraLab Design Co.

自敘.心境—故宮書法VR發表會 The Spirit of Autobiography

自敘.心境—故宮書法VR發表會 The Spirit of Autobiography

自敘.心境 — 故宮書法VR發表會 視覺設計 Visual design for National Palace Museum
