Olympic history on display at the Olympic City Museum
The request came from the Portuguese company YDreams, specialising in development of interactive spaces and experiences through technology, art, design and architecture. Reino studio’s task was to create an interactive video wall that would tell the story of the Olympics and Paralympics, starting in ancient Greece in 776 B.C. until today. The project, developed over two weeks, was delivered to residents and visitors of a museum in Rio de Janeiro.
YDreams Global has the mission of identifying future challenges, connecting them with the needs of the market and building innovative concepts. In July, 2016, after completing a reverse merger process, it became the first technology company based in Brazil to be listed on TSX Venutres, one of the leading stock exchanges in the world. In this new phase of internationalization, YDreams Global is expanding its operations into the main markets of North America.

Olympus at your fingertips
Reino studio’s work, displayed as one of the main attractions at the Olympic City Museum – Museu Cidade Olímpica, in Rio de Janeiro, had a very interesting and intense research component. The team had a short time to create an interactive curved display – made up of 14 48-inch screens and a control table – that would captivate the general public and would tell the whole story of the Olympics. The challenge was to create a clean interface, rich in information, while also choosing and treating countless images to compose the display. The drawing of the timeline was made from dots and lines that connected organically, creating the idea of a constellation. The end result was 62 different interfaces from which visitors could choose a given era and access images, texts, videos and infographics of the chosen period.

ART DIRECTION: Pedro Brêtas, Vinícius Malvão
UX/UI : Pedro Brêtas, Vinícius Malvão, Jadhe London, Felipe Miranda

Olympic timeline

Olympic timeline

Olympic history on display at the Olympic City Museum
