Summary for the chosen movie — India: Love or Rape

The movie stated with telling the story — a 23- year- old college girl was gang raped by 6 people on a bus in the December of 2013. Later, the girl’s death attracted the society’s attention.
Due to the fact that girl’s tragedy has raised so much attention around the world, an issue has been addressed in the India– Women’s sexuality and their rights.
Right now more and more people are being influenced by western culture, they are more open minded and are paying more respect to women; women are being seen more than a sexual object, however most of them younger generation and a lot of them are female.      
As far as right now, approximately 95% of the population in India is Hinduism. Marriage in India is still dictated by the old, “abandoned” caste system, which was from Hinduism.
Incidents that involve that are happening, the government has started to pay attention. Most of the conservative people in the society do realize harassing women is definitely wrong; unfortunately they blame the cause on women, on western culture influence.
The protest for women’s right is happening in India, activists that support women’s rights are on the street to protest. People’s story are been recorded through film makers, more and more unfairness and darkness part of the society has been exposed to the public; more issues such like a police officer got over with his violation with a woman because of his connection in the court has been exposed to society. A group of young people in Dali created their own song called “India Raise” to get people’s attention and aware of the incidents like that 23 years old girl would not happen again.

The concept of me designing poster for this very documentary; I wanted to set the tone of the poster to be sad, depressed. The poster is more focused on the image than text. I have managed to have a model that is from the India area (Bangladesh). I desired to control the model’s expression on the eyes. I referenced the green-eyed girl from National Geography. In her eyes, there is sadness, there is also hope, the eager of freedom; girls can be strong and independent, not just some sexual object that men own. 
The ripped paper is a representation of “damaged” “violent”. The de-saturated tone also embraces that. I manually ripped the photo myself to create it’s organic feeling.

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Create a movie poster based on a documentary chosen movie — India: Love or Rape

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