Mario Porpora profili

Italian Poverty Red Thread


With its research the National Institute of Statistic, ISTAT, tries to take a picture of Italy from different point of views, with various perspectives and zooms. Reading the short document Relative poverty in Italy for 2006, one can see how poverty looks like a “red thread” that passes through all the different picture of italian society made by ISTAT.

However in this document the percentage values, that are the basis of poverty “red thread”, lead
a careless reader to misunderstanding and incomprehension. This infographic plate shows how poverty “red thread” has various weight, that depends on the different criterion and perspective that ISTAT used to shoot a picture of society: in this way careless readers as well can understand
that percentage values numerically alike have a different absolute value.

Flickr Hd version HERE

Format: A2 Print

Developed during DensityDesign Class,  2008/2009

Italian Poverty Red Thread
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