Tracy Morris's profile

Monahans Sandhills, Texas, January 2011

I hate sand.
But I believe in facing aversions.
I grew up on the Gulf Coast. Granted, we lived in the 'burbs of a big city, but the water was never very far. When I was three years old, I explained to my mother the reason I didn't need swim lessons: I'd already figured out how to breathe underwater. To this day, I thrive best when I'm in, on, under, or near water, and preferably at a beach. 

But there's the little problem of my distaste for sand.

Back when you could venture into stores and even restaurants sans shoes, we did. And I clearly recall, with chills up my back even now, the near-overwhelming compulsion to run out of the 7-11 the moment my soles shirr-shirr-shirrrred over the gritty, green concrete floor. The only reason I didn't dash for the door: It required moving my feet too furiously, which could only lead to more sshh-shhh-sssssh... I usually stood in one spot while I sent my sisters and friends to fetch my Coke and candy.

Everything and everyone we love is accompanied by things to which we are averse. And eventually, with the right combination of luck and effort, we might find ourselves deep in the midst of only that which we find repugnant -- only to find we can revel in the beauty of it.
Monahans Sandhills, Texas, January 2011

Monahans Sandhills, Texas, January 2011

Sample shots from a day trip to Monahans Sandhills State Park in west Texas. You can see more at Want to use any of my images? J Read More
