Ler um Livro
To Read a Book

There’s a clear difference between seeing and reading. “I can see you” is very different from “I can read you”. Read suggests the idea of understanding, comprehension and reflexion. The same goes to reading a book. 

This project was developed during 2015, on the first year of my Masters in Editorial Design. With this project, I intend to explore the different characteristics of the book as an object, mentioning not only case studies and examples of various artists and designers, but also other areas such as cinema or literature. I explored the texts of “Breves Notas Sobre o Livro” (Brief Notes About The Book), by portuguese writer Gonçalo M. Tavares, in which he reflects about the value of the book as a physical object. 

This book intends to be a graphic and sensory experience, inviting the reader to travel through the work of designers and artists who value the creation of books as objects, not only as a mere support, but as an essential part of the communication. The result is a visual essay about our senses, a book to be read in every way. 

Ler Um Livro

Ler Um Livro

This project was developed during 2015, on the first year of my Masters in Editorial Design. With this project, I intend to explore the different 자세히 보기
