Manifesto Workshop

Manifesto Workshop | Lefteris Heretakis Bilkent University
The Manifesto Workshop was very efficient since it had given the participants enough time to freely design their own manifestos following some basic princliples of design thinking introduced by Lefteris Heretakis. The overall process was beneficial for me and I had the chance to finalize this creative process into a photobook prototype. Inspired by the cyanotype prints; this photo-book contains a selection of photographs I have taken in order to represent the inner child we all have inside our souls as the core of every individual manifesto.  
Even though the original workshop schedule was inspired by a one term course; the three day limitation for me was influencing the creative process in a very positive way. The schedule allowed me to focus on my ideas and create a well designed narration under temporal limitations. This was an enjoyable challenge and personally I believe the final outcome was just the beginning of a lifelong design process that thought me efficiency and economy in personal representation using the language of creative design.  
The following video contains the final prototype made during this workshop and would be developed to come into life as Cyanotype prints in the near future. 
Manifesto Workshop

Manifesto Workshop

Manifesto Workshop with Lefteris Heretakis in Bilkent University, Includes final prototype of the process.
