Freedom, Style, Sex, Power, Emotion, Color Everything: Car Happiness Starts Here.

If you stepped into a time machine and went back a hundred years when the first automobiles were being conceived, you'd find some truly remarkable stories. It was a time when there were no paved roads, no speed limits, no traffic and no parking enforcement. Who else but a genuine sporting enthusiast would set foot in a sports car in the early days of the automobile industry? The early days of the automobile industry were part spectacle, part innovation, part bravado, but never a dull moment. It's hard to predict what the future will bring, but the spirit of innovation, brevity and courage are found today at companies such as Shift that are reinventing the car buying and selling process. Inspired by the boldness of this platform, here are some new ideas that have helped the company become the premium brand it deserves to be in the new digital automotive landscape. 
Print ads position the company as anti-salesman while highlighting women and minorities.
Online banners + outdoor billboards tease the audience into the mysterious.
Mobile ads get surfers to toggle the shifter which takes them to the website as they reach 5th gear.
Bold billboards in settings as diverse as Cal train stations, bus shelters, transit stations, and freeways entice viewers with design and tongue-in-cheek wording.
Experiential billboard lets patrons toggle through the gears while giving sound of GT40 racing through the gears.
Double page spreads welcome patrons to learn about the platform.
Home page delivers a clear way to navigate.
Email campaigns welcome patrons to learn more about the platform.
Movie for social media showcases words on nature's images without showing any cars.
Blog for social differentiates between the joy of buying or leasing.
Drive Your Dream: To Buy or Lease your 
next car?                                                         

Buy the car you love. If you are true to your roots automotive enthusiast and find a car that fulfills your needs for design, safety, and genuine feedback then buy that car so it is yours to keep. You might as well purchase it outright. Buying a car you love and keeping it running in near perfect condition with a trusted mechanic is usually a lot cheaper than leasing a new car every three years. Once you’ve paid off the auto loan, you’ve completely eliminated the fixed monthly expense and don’t have to worry about a car payment until you decide to buy again. Plus, there are no annual mileage restrictions or penalties.

Some cars appreciate with time. Like most cars on the road, your car will likely depreciate in the first few years, but if you keep and maintain it long enough, some cars can be sold years later for a profit. Take for example the air-cooled Porsche 911s. Had you purchased one a decade ago, you could now easily sell it for a profit.

When you crave change lease your car.  If you tire of driving the same car year after year then consider leasing your next car. Leasing usually requires a lower down payment and lower monthly payments. With a good leasing deal, “renting” your car lets you drive a much more expensive car than you could own. And that car will have the latest technology – the best sound system, greatest connectivity, and most fuel-efficient engine.  If you end up falling in love with the car, many leases have a “lease to buy” clause allowing you to buy the car after the leasing period.

Business owners get a tax break with leasing. For savvy business owners, it makes sense to lease because you get a tax break if you use the car for business purposes.

Buying or leasing? The choice is yours. If you crave a car to fall in love with and keep for a long time, it makes more sense to purchase the vehicle. If you prefer to change cars every three years, leasing may make more sense. But keep in mind, if you are always leasing, you’ll be making car payments for life. A lease contract is also difficult and expensive to break out off. If you go above your allocated annual miles or damage the car, you’ll owe fees. But if you like the leased car enough, you may consider purchasing it at fair market value from the dealer once the lease is over. No matter what you decide, Shift wishes you luck in finding your perfect car. At Shift you can either buy or sell your car at a fair cost in the certified used car market.
Blog for social illustrates the importance of tires for safety.

The love story between your car and the road are the tires.

Tires play a vital role in providing safety for your car. Tires are engineered to transfer the power of your vehicle to the road, absorb irregularities in the road, carry the full weight of the vehicle and rider(s), provide excellent grip on dry and wet surfaces, respond to the demands of braking and acceleration, steer by mirroring the movements of the steering system, and last a long time by providing good mileage.

In order to get the most out of your tires and reduce the risk of unsafe conditions, perform regular inspections so you can ensure your safety. Here are a few safety and maintenance tips:

Do the tread test. All you need is a penny. Place the penny in the shallowest groove with Lincoln’s head pointing down. If you can see the top of his head, the tires should be replaced.

Stay true to size. New tires should always match the size recommended by the manufacturer. Find the size in your owner’s manual or the sidewall of you your tire. Here’s what to look for: Tire width, aspect ratio and rim diameter.

Get style and substance. Know the most common type of tires for the season and determine what’s right for you. Choose from:

All season – cruise all year round with a steady grip on all surfaces.
Winter tires – power through snow and ice safely with deep threads.
Performance – accelerate faster and have better control at every turn.
All terrain – handle dirt roads, gravel trails and more with ease.

Make your tires last longer with these easy maintenance tips:

Measure your air pressure – at least once a month to ensure they are properly inflated.
Check your alignment – every six months or 6,000 miles to make sure each tire is straight to not give you vibrations on the highway and not wear down at the edges.
Rotate your tires – every 5,000 to 8,000 miles. This means swapping front and back tires for even wear.

The safety of your vehicle relies on the condition of your tires. For your peace of mind, before we sell you a car at, we make sure to inspect the tires for both environmental exposure and performance. Tires in poor condition can affect the performance of your vehicle and put your safety and that of your loved ones at danger. Your safety comes first. It is crucial to choose the right tires for your vehicle to reduce the risk of unsafe driving conditions. We also recommend that you check the pneumatic tire pressure at least once a month or prior to embarking on long trips.

Shift is reinventing the car buying and selling process. The new positioning for Shift includes integrated campaigns as well as traditional m Read More
