Profil użytkownika „Shane de Lange”

I Salute You! Craft Beer

I Salute You! was a branding and packaging proposal for a craft beer brewery in Johannesburg. The original setup dictated that the beer be crafted just outside Johannesburg, in Cullinan, and that the bottled product was exclusively available in Braamfontein. This proposal was rejected by the brewery and is currently not in use. Hence, the design is still available to purchase. The art direction here was inspired by the historical importance of Lord Kitchener within the geography of Braamfontein, one of the oldest suburbs in Johannesburg. Kitchener's image often appears in Braamfontein and is used by many businesses in the area, notably the Kitchener's Carvery Bar in the Milner Park Hotel, from whence the illustration of Lord Kitchener on the top of the label is derived. The use of colour and typography here is also based upon the Zeitgeist during the time period when Kitchener lived.
I Salute You! Craft Beer


Projekt wykonany dla

I Salute You! Craft Beer

This project was a design, branding and packaging proposal for a craft beer brewery in Johannesburg. This design was rejected by the brewery and Rozwiń
