Venice Carnival 2012
A snow covered Venice with bitter winds
This was my third time i had flown into Venice but this time I was assured that I would get to see the city and the carnival. The week before the city had been covered in snow and some of the canals frozen with still the odd piece of snow and bitter winds the weather was kind apart from one day. I was not prepared for the light at 6.30 to 7.00am as the sun rose over St Marks Square and it filled with people from all over the world in amazing costumes. The square also filled with a series of photographers who were incredibly polite and tried to stay out of each other shots.
Once the morning worn on everyone was up and it becomes impossible to take pictures  but here are a few of the carnival and if you get the change do go you will enjoy it but get up early.
Venice Carnival 2012

Venice Carnival 2012

A trip to Venice Carnival 2012

