Alex Frosts profil

PlayStation VR Plinth

Started off as always with an array of sketches to help the client decide exactly how they'd like the unit to look and operate.
This was the design chosen to take forward, the headset would rotate on its own plinth, and the rest of the product would be displayed on a lightbox tabletop.
We had several solutions for security and visibility of the product - quick little sketches like these are key for communicating with your team and client.
Sketch development could now take place to ensure this concept would work before taking it into CAD.
The first round of CAD
Probably the 5th round of CAD, having tweaked everything from overall dimensions and circumference, to how the mechanisms work to rotate the headset.
PlayStation VR Plinth

PlayStation VR Plinth

With just a month to go before our biggest show of the year for PlayStation, EGX (see elsewhere in this portfolio!), Sony asked if we could desig Läs mer
