Ale Lipa to bistro z dystansem do siebie.

Jako, że Polesie to dzielnica, gdzie jeszcze wiek temu był las a lipa stanowiła wyraźną jego część, to nazwa i identyfikacja zrobiły się właściwie same. Myśmy tylko tym pokierowali.
"Ale Lipa" (literal translation: what a linden; meaning: poorly, weakly, faintly) is a bistro with a healthy distance to itself.

As the Polesie is a district, where a century ago was the forest and linden was a distinct part of it, the name and visual identification was done by itself. We only had to direct it to the right track.

art directing, execution: Fajne Chlopaki
leaves graphics on the wall: Bartek Bojarczuk, Maciej Polak
photography: Piter Trojanowski

Ale Lipa

Ale Lipa

"Ale Lipa" (literal translation: but linden, meaning: poorly, weakly, faintly) is a bistro with a healthy distance to itself. As the Polesie is Развернуть
