Xiaochen Yu's profile

我的中国胃 — My Chinese Stomach

对我来说,我最爱的食物莫过于,在尝遍各式各样的充满异域风情的菜式后,依旧能完全不加思考的从冰箱随意捞出来一些最简单的食材组成的从小就吃的家乡的味道。因为我有一个装满着传承,留念,和对蒸煮面点火锅等等等的执着的中国胃哟(此处有骄傲脸!) 荣幸是一个土生土长的中国人,一个可以体会点点滴滴属于我们的口味的中式人情味儿~

My Chinese Stomach
My favorite food will always be the ones made with the simple ingredients I can poll out from my fridge anytime, without any worries about whether they will fit the very moment of my appetite. Please don't get me wrong; I am always on a mission of trying foreign foods and even Chinese foods that I am unfamiliar with, and I definitely have the moments when I can't live until having a Chick-fiI-a spicy chicken sandwich coated with their signature Chick-fil-a sauce. However I have to admit that I have a Chinese stomach equipped with mechanics that is 24/7 on for digesting Chinese-styled foods: sticky rice pastries, Zongzi, hotpot, dim sum, steamed fish topped with ginger slices and soy sauce - just to name a few. Chinese foods represent my faith in family, reunion, and heritage of our traditions, and I am wholeheartedly proud of my Chinese identity and joy as a Chinese! 
我的中国胃 — My Chinese Stomach

我的中国胃 — My Chinese Stomach
