The Awoken Giant


The Awoken Giant

Work done for the international public call for creating an illustration, animated trailer and teaser for the 27th edition of the Festival of Animated Film – Animafest Zagreb, Croatia 

(October 2016)



Has this change been caused by the bite of a vicious fly-eye orb? 
Maybe it was simply a relief he felt, after finally overcoming the persistent insomnia 
he’s been battling for centuries... Nevertheless, the Giant finally realized that the World – this awkward, peculiar, unpredictable, but such a magical place – was the place to be.
“So strange”, he thought to himself, ”I have never seen things so clearly before”.
His worries simply melted away, and as as he floated off, he could finally let go... 


(Story by: Dunja Sretović)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Thank you for watching! 

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The Awoken Giant