The assignment was to create a short gif depicting a story. I decided to use existing gifs and moulded them together along with some copy that I wrote. This is the result:
The concept stems from the growing dissociation our generation is experiencing with our own minds. We are becoming more and more numb to the reality of the world we are living in. Everything is hidden behind the screens of virtual reality. We are so eager to fit in that we are ready to let go of our principles just to please others, just to be a part of the group. So much so, that our own true self is getting hidden under layers and layers of societal influences and pressures.

So maybe now is the time for us to break through and realise our self-worth. We need to stop just seeing things as if served on a platter. That we need to start looking, to find value in what is in front of us. We need to come to terms with the fact that it’s okay to be different. Different is valuable. Different is fresh. Different is you.

“In this chaos of a world,
We’re a directionless herd.

Open. Close. Blink. Blink.

Un-rooting our beliefs,
Just to fit in.

Monochrome thoughts
At the tip of your tongue.

How do we see 
past the static disturbances?
Are we forgetting
the sound of our voice?

Maybe it’s time
to see past the blinds.

Stop just seeing.
Start really looking.

And maybe then
we will be free,
of the cage we created
with our bare minds.”
The source of gifs: Matthias Brown
Perceptions | GIF

Perceptions | GIF

A class project to make a gif and depict a story.
