Duna River - promotional identity 2012

Duna River - promotional identity
A result of Urban Space Budapest 2011 workshop
The project of an identity for a Duna River (especially Budapest part) was made during Urban Space 2011 workshop I attended in June 2011. The main goal was to make the citizens know that the river and its banks are clean, green and it's a pleasure to spend time here.

An identity consist of logo (which can be easily stenciled everywhere), set of colorful stickers and a map of atrractions that are placed near Duna. (the map is still presented near a-38 boat).
The aim of stickers was to inform people about the river: it's clean, green, funny, friendly and worth viviting!
Duna River - promotional identity 2012

Duna River - promotional identity 2012

Promotional ambient identity for Duna river in Budapest
