The routine is something very important in my day to day, with this, I can get to complete everything I have to do in the morning. Which is to get up from my bed, brush my teeth, go to the bathroom, take a shower, have breakfast, and finally get out of my house. But this does not always get to be in the same order. Ethiopia refers to everything in the universe moving from order to disorder. With the above, I got to the question: How can order arise in chaos? This question can be answered in a very simple way, time flows from past to future, can be expressed by going from order to chaos, if I show broken objects I am showing the final stage of this or the initial stage of the broken pieces. Where from the chaos comes a new order. Changing my routine for me is chaos, but somehow it still has a certain order, maybe not for me but for other people, it does.
Changing my routine is something that costs me a lot, for 12 days I did it without knowing the final result, taking photos, to help you understand what I was doing, without being so obvious. 
A self-exploration of my life in the mornings and the flow that these have.
Wood panels, polaroids and wood base
1.90 x 1.20 m

1/24 hours
Aluminum and galvanized wire
The rigidity of the wire is a representation of the consistency and discipline with which I carry out my routine. It is the only essential step in it.

Presence and Absence

LED light over black acrylic

1.80 x 1.20


Exploring my everyday morning routine
