We were part of the organization team for both edittions of TEDxSantoTirso.
Focused on communication and multimedia, Mario created the visual concept of the themes and I adapt it for the different media contexts.

The theme was "Sentidos" ("Senses/Meanings").
- Theme concept
- Nametags with program on the back (black - public, white - staff, red - speakers)
- Notepad
- Social Media banner
The theme was "Passado, Presente e Futuro" ("Past, Present and Future").
- Visual concept of the theme
- Annoucement video
- Nametags with program on the back (1 public, 2 staff, 3 speakers)
We used only the white version for the back of every nametag.
Me and Mario were also responsible for the video cover of the event but unfortunely we had some problems communicating with the audio crew and in the end the audio wasn't recorded.

Below are some frames from one of the cameras.
TEDxSanto Tirso

TEDxSanto Tirso

