Brandy and Sodas profilDaniel Smyls profil

Brandy and Soda

Corporate identity for branding & digital studio.
Hello. We are Brandy and Soda. We create modern visual communications for brands and products. Both, digital and traditional media. We are young and design hungry studio with a strong desire to create awesomeness. We make it with a little help of form, color and taste of creativity.

Our first task was to create our own brand identity. First step was to create a name. Brandy and Soda is the name of our choice. The idea of a drink was great because of mixing some ingredients to achieve a good taste. It is also great to tell what we do: brandy = branding, soda = product. And this is what we do. We design visual communications for brands and products.

Second task was to create a visual appeal of our brand. You can see results below. We hope you like it.
Thanks for watching.
Brandy and Soda

Brandy and Soda

Corporate identity for our own branding & digital studio. We create modern visual communications for brands and products.
