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Russian Bear Vodka | King Of Kicks 2016

Russian Bear Vodka  |  King Of Kicks 2016
South Africa has a fast-growing vibrant sneaker culture - with many young people boasting unique sneaker collections they've worked hard to acquire. Russian Bear Vodka wanted to tap into this culture and give it a unique brand voice. So we went straight to the source: the streets. There, we found the diverse individuals who eat, sleep and breathe sneaker  and uncovered their stories, creating a genuine local narrative distinct to the category. 

Enter King of Kicks - a sneaker story brought to you by Russian Bear Vodka  |
Animated Gifs
To support the campaign, we created animated Gifs that showcased interesting sneaker facts, which we shared on social media.
When MJ inspired the famous AJs in the 80s as his own Signature shoe, the sneaker game was changed.
Sneakers were worn purely as sports shoes until the ‘Rebel Without a Cause’ movie star, James Dean rocked a pair of kicks and turned them into a fashion statement. 
"Murdered Out" describes a sneaker that is completely black. AKA All black errthang. 
One of the most famous global athletic brands is named after an African antelope: the Grey Rhebok.
Russian Bear Vodka | King Of Kicks 2016