Cecilia Jonsson's profile

Campaign MOD // More Organ Donations

MOD - Mer Organdonation // More Organ Donations is a Swedish nonprofit organization that works to inform politicians, health care and the general public about organ donation, so more people will do an active choice and saying Yes to organ donations. MOD’s manifesto is ”Everyone in need of a transplant should be able to get it on time, and nobody should die while waiting for organs.”.

Students from the Media and communication program at Gothenburg University wanted to emphasize this and created the campaign ”No one should die waiting for organs” // ”Ingen ska dö i väntan på organ”, to spread awareness about the a new legislative proposal that would favor the transplantation process.

Keywords: Campaign & Advertising
My role: Ideas, design and producing
Something to carry with you.
Application: A key ring is something you always carry with you, but can also show your attitude to organ donation. "I'm an organ donor".
This time no one died.
In Sweden it is common to put in an obituary in the local newspaper after someone has died. In this case, the ad has the form of a dead column but none have died.
" Here could
A deceased person 
been remembered

But thankfully she received a new heart, 
and today she lives on and is completely healthy.

Everyone, however, is not so lucky. 
Every year many people die while waiting for an organ transplant. 

Right now there is a legislative proposal which aims to simplify the donation process. The goal is to empower families and provide medical personnel clearer directives about the donation process.

On www.merorgandonation.se you can find more information and write to your local politicians to show that you care.

Never has it been so easy to save lives. "
Campaign MOD // More Organ Donations

Campaign MOD // More Organ Donations
