Aaron O'Brien's profile

Simple Shoes Campaign


Create an ad campaign for the company Simple Shoes. Since the current trend of all corporations is to use the selling point of being “green”, Simple Shoes must escape the overdone and show how they are actually the real deal in the eco friendly market.

By sticking out of the mundane overused “green” term, Simple Shoes will target the up and coming generation of environmentalists, as well as keeping the loyal consumer base they have had for years.


Using the idea that Simple Shoes is so eco minded that plants will literally grow right out if them, shows how much the company cares about our environment. Using many muted color variations of green, as well as striking pinks, purples, and yellows with an abused, scratched stylizing of the ads, enhances the goal.
Single Page Spread #1
Single Page Spread #2
Single Page Spread #3

Direct Mail Piece #1: To accompany the ads, a in-house recycling program was created. A poster was would me mailed out and it was contain a form to send in your current shoes in exchange for an adequate discount on new Simple Shoes. Once in motion the goal of the program was to come full circle in succeeding the consumer to send in old Simple Shoes for new ones.  

Direct Mail Piece #2: Also as another DM, consumers would receive a miniature version of a model of Simple Shoes. Instructions are attached to water and watch. Inside the shoe are synthetic soil and seeds. Essentially it is a Chia Pet shoe. This corresponds with the environmentally friendly aspect by saying, "the more plants grown, the better off we are." While it also links to the magazine ads as well.
Note: This is student work

Also received a student silver Addy for project
Simple Shoes Campaign

Simple Shoes Campaign

Simple Shoes Ad Campaign. Creating a way to use the term green and not have the viewer completely turned off by it.
