Ayman Ezzat sin profil

Serving Islam Team (Branding & Website Design)

Serving Islam Team (SIT)
Serving Islam Team (SIT) is an Islamic foundation based on Hong Kong & they asked for a new branding & website design, they insist on using (Fingerprint)  , & they also provide 4 categories of services in SIT
 Each Category of Service provided by SIT will has its colors in the background of the BC., Titles & header when writing on the A4 paper
Same as the Stationary for the consistency, the 4 Categories has its color in the menu for unique identity & easy for the user the catch each service 
Serving Islam Team (Branding & Website Design)

Serving Islam Team (Branding & Website Design)

SIT is an organization for serving Islam based on Hong Kony & have 4 categories of services asked for branding & website design.
