Madra Ullrich's profile

Adobe Live Illustrator Challenge

(Scroll down to see the "idea" evolve)
You know when you visualize an idea in your head and you try, and try, and then try again to recreate the vision you have in your mind.  This is an example, where I have this "great idea" that I want to recreate but trying to recreate it, is a total different story.   

Initially the idea was derived from  an Adobe Live Challenge, in which we were asked to create a poster in Adobe Illustrator with the word "create" in it.  The challenge has come and gone, but the idea still remains.  So now the Challenge has become a passion project in which I have to recreate what I have envisioned about the word "create".  The first attempt is the above image and the below images is still not what I imagine the image to be. But I am getting close to what I have envisioned. 

  Once again, I am doing it again—where I want there to be more “said” about the image than just the image itself.  Every element there is a “underlying story” to it.

The word "create" to me always means to "think outside of the box".  The background is comprised of three dimensional square boxes.   The “obvious” would be to stay within a box, so that is why there are squares (boxes) placed in different dimensions, behind the words.  

To me the creative process always goes beyond the obvious. I believe there is an incessant need for any Creative in the world to envision and perceive something that is not apparent or tangible. We are constantly thinking of something to do! We are the incessant daydreamers and doodlers of the world!

 Starting a creative project there are always elements of the unknown, indistinct, shadowy, yet profound aspects to it.   I used dark, rich colors to represent these elements of the creative process.  The profound (difficult to comprehend or explain) and perplexing aspects of the creative process can also be represented by the different size squares too.  The squares on “look beyond the Obvious” also could represent the random ideas that a Creative must sort through and arrange into something meaningful.

The lighted area within the “O” in the word “beyond” can be interpreted several ways: (1) It can represent the light at the end of a tunnel when you are almost done with a creative project; or (2) Being creative you can't live in a square box and the “circle of light” is the way out; or (3) to create is like envisioning an idea through a telescope or something, (4) leaving one dimension and entering the “creative dimension”, often referred by Creatives as the “zone”; etc.

The initial image I had only 32 hours to come up with an idea and create something quickly, around my work schedule.  I love these types of challenges “to create at a moment’s notice!” I find it invigorating for some reason?!#

Also had this in mind when creating it--is that when a person "hovers" over the thumbnail of the image that they can't see the words "Look Beyond Obvious"  (it's not noticeable or apparent at first glance) and it is only legible when you "open" the thumbnail, whereas, viewing on a page the viewer could only see the word "create" and light in the tunnel. 
Adobe Live Illustrator Challenge

Adobe Live Illustrator Challenge

For the Adobe Live Illustrator challenge--to create a poster with the word "create" in it. You only had 3 days to complete it.
