Pasadena - 27.07.2012
We rode the train from Downtown LA to Pasadena to see La Dispute play in a methodist church. The DIY scene here runs in close conjunction with vegan cookies, cream soda and an amazing sense of community. Mountain plains can be seen from every corner in this broken down suburban neighbourhood. You can also buy religious scented candles in every store.

Day two would see use playing a short cameo in a Vodaphone webisode alongside James Franco after perusing the streets in search of a danger motel.
Stand By Me.
Be war.
There are a lot of houses in Pasadena.
Project X was set in Pasadena, but this picture is in no way relevant to that movie.
One set fare and you can ride the bus for as long as you want.
Tabasco flavoured Southern Comfort and a map are essential planning tools if you're in the business of spontaneity.
The staff at our motel were convinced we where testing out some crazy forbidden sex moves on our hired prostitute.
Sun beaten.
Fly tipping is really fashionable.
Teenage mutant ninja water feature.
Supermarkets in America are huge, and its easy to get lost.
Mexican restaurants in Pasadena are subliminal, but you have to stare down this wolf before ordering some tasty horchata.
This guy named himself a real O G (opportunity giver). A would be thug turned born again christian who runs a youth center aimed at teaching kids the importance of a crime free life. 
He liked Tom's shirt and thought we would be inspirational to their students.
This is garbage and not rubbish.
This pool reminded me of the Pull Apart By Horses music video.


A few pictures from Pasadena.
