Mursyiddah Johari's profile

Rayani Air Rebranding & Advertising

Rayani Air : Rebranding and Teaser Advertising 
Studio Project 2015, none commercial project .
Rayani Air was establish in Langkawi Island located in Kedah Malaysia . The iconic symbol for Langkawi island are an eagle statue. Thus my rebranding logo of Rayani Air Eagle are from the idea of the eagle statue .

The colour I'm using are Royal Yellow and Navy blue with CMYK code as mention in the picture . The reason why Royal Yellow are to show the standard provided of the Rayani Air customer services are like a royal services . It like a queen and king when client on board with Rayani Air . Besides, the Navy blue are added to match the Royal Yellow to added the fill of luxury and convincing of the brand . Blue is a calm colour and the standard colour for elegance and vogue. Both of the colour are primary colour showing that the brand confident to stand on their own .
The best advertising are on the air . By the air I means really on the air . Thus I think paint their Boing Craft with the significant colour that i mention before can give the iconic remembering for the audience to get to know their product . Hence it is like an advertising, showing the continuity of the branding it self .

Below are three example Teaser Advertising that i create for Rayani Air . Medium are Newspaper, Magazine, and Online poster . The colour are still the same to show the continuity of the branding and advertising . 

The reason why i choose 3 main object(backpack, a stroller back, and a passport) are because it is the main object that traveler carried together to a vacation. The word I'm using are "Get Ready People" to encourage people to get ready for discount and others better promotion given as a launch promotion cut off price.
Mockup review . On Magazine, Billboard, Indoor Advertising and Online Advertising.
Rayani Air Rebranding & Advertising


Rayani Air Rebranding & Advertising

Rayani Air Re-branding & Advertising .
