There are few things dreaded more by female patients than a pelvic exam. Besides the inherent invasiveness and discomfort of the procedure, the current exam room and chair are sterile, intimidating, and uncomfortable to use. 

Working with a fourth-year resident gynecologist and twelve patients, I identified the innovation opportunities present in the current workstation. Two one-hour interviews with Dr. Leanne Olshavsky informed me that comfort was even more important than I had expected; many patients don’t feel comfortable being completely open about their sexual history, and some will choose not to go if at all possible. Feelings of discomfort associated with the examination often times discourage women from getting screened for cervical cancer, and unscreened women are at highest risk of cervical cancer. 

Dr. Olshavsky also informed me that the less intimidating the room, the better. That means that the speculums, pap smear vials, and any other intimidating medical equipment should be stored out of sight when not in use. 
Cleanability and a place to store and warm instruments like speculums where top priorities for her. Lighting and using a mirror to show a woman her anatomy where things that frustrate her about the current workstation. 

The patient’s interviewed stated that a more home-like environment would put them at ease and allow them to relax prior to and during the examination. They requested a warm examination room, a place to store clothing and personal belongings, and an examination chair that didn’t look like a lego block. The expressed frustration with the fact that reading material is routinely kept on the other side of the room and requires them to walk across the room in a state of undress. 

The proposed solution features storage units that resemble furniture patients might see in their home. Speculums, vials, and waste disposal are kept in the storage module in the credenza and are easily accessed by the physician while hidden from view from the patient. The physian’s stool is equipped with a snake light and camera that wraps underneath the seat of the chair and allows hands-free lighting without requiring the entire room to be harshly lit. 

A dresser is available for patients’ personal belongings, heat lamps and light boxes warm and gently light the room, while the chair allows for heightened comfort and usability. 
Ob/Gyn Workstation

Ob/Gyn Workstation
