This collection of products is about some unconscious behavior that somebody could not stop doing them in their daily life. The term addiction, used to be negative and bring us some little troubles, but sometimes it is just a kind of innocuous habits which give us psychological comfort.

We hope to satisfy the especial demand with user-friendly products, also, we hope to attract people’s attention to those ”addictions”, and help people reconstruct a new cognition of “addiction” and pay more patience to those people with “strange action”.
All the models are hand-made
Group member: Jing Sun, Ning Guan
June, 2010
We read a large number of reference about psychology, human behavior and body language to get a scientific cognition about “addiction”.

We built and participated in many group about “addiction” on social networks. First, we took lots of notes about the anterior topics made a general classification of those addition behaviors.
Second, we sent out about 200 survey questionnaires about their attitudes and some detailed questions of specific behavior, and we received a large number of effective feedbacks and identify several “universal” addictive behaviors.
At the same time,
We selected 35 people around us to do tracking research. We took photos and videos to record their life details, finding their addictive behaviors and doing in-depth interviews to get the design points.
We gave out our definition about “Addition”— falling in love with certain behavior to get mental comfort along with a little suffering.

We used 3 key words to distinguish addition from general habits.
WEIRD – unfamiliar behaviors
EXTREME - level of dependence
PRIVATE - completely self-behavior


This is the final project of my college period. It is about some unconscious behavior that somebody could not stop doing them in their daily life Läs mer
