While this became a full-fledged project in my Hard Surface Modeling class, the design of the character itself actually originated in my Character Design class that happened a semester before. The primary of influences when I made this design were Kingdom Hearts and Ornstein from Dark Souls.
Lambert render with Mental Ray. The pink/tanish color is actually a human model that I imported from the content browser within Maya for proportion reference.
My meshes felt a little dense, especially with smooth preview and using the crease tool. But because this wasn't Real Time I didn't really need to worry about that. I do wonder if there was a better way to get the eye slits in the helmet without having denser geometry result from it. 
This was an experimental render within Keyshot. In addition to having some difficulty importing the textures I created in Substance Painter, the material and lighting made it look more like a toy or an action figure than a soldier in a suit of armor. 
These renders were made using Mental Ray. Because of time constraints I just used the Sun and Sky option instead of creating my own lighting. 
Of all of my time constrained Mental Ray renders I like this one the best. It shows off the texturing I did, the angularity of the modeling, and the hair which was a first for me. The cape could have benefited from a higher resolution texture though.
These next renders were also done in Mental Ray, but this was after the fact so I created my own lighting setup including an HDR image for better lighting quality. 
Deus Aurei Sanguinis
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Deus Aurei Sanguinis

A armor set that I created for my Hard Surface Modeling class. This was also the first time I used Substance Painter to create my textures.

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