Fill the Blanks
Form, Materiality & Representation
Asylum seekers live in fear of persecution back in their homeland and they look to Australia for a helping hand. But before even applying for asylum in Australia, they are presented with another barrier to add to their list of troubles, a 41-paged protection visa form (866) consisting of 101 questions. 
There are many problems in this process of application as it requires and assumes that they are able to read and write English. The amount of time involved in filling the blanks only leads them closer to the cause of their fear of persecution. Although, this is only the start... 
By using wire, it alludes to the wire barricades surrounding their forthcoming habitat, the immigration detention centre. There is no guarantee that these forms can place them in safety and is a clear expression of the Australian government's lack of empathy and compassion for those in need of help.
Blank spaces on the form have been traced and printed to assist in creating wireframes in its actual size and position. 
Fill the Blanks
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Fill the Blanks

A wireframe of protection visa form 866 Asylum seekers live in fear of persecution back in their homeland and they look to Australia for a helpi Daha Fazla Bilgi

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