
The thickness of each line indicates the amount of food that i've ate.
The length of each line indicates how long each meal took.
The space between each line is the time spent between each meal.

The circles on top are for mixing the paint
The rectangle afterwards is drawing
The triangle is painting the drawing
The horizontal rectangle is waiting for the paint to dry
The vertical rectangle is outlining the painting

The light grey's represent the activities that needed less creativity and the darker the grey the more creative the activity was.
The space between each shape is small because they all happened after one another without breaks.
Bubble Bath

The thickness of each dot shows how much time each activity took.
The distance between dots represent the level of relaxation, the more wide they are from one another the more relaxed this activity was.

Each logo is for each method of entertainment, and the ones that are aligned vertically are when more than one medium is being used at once.
The end project

All the 4 activities combined together in one poster.



Visual Information We were asked to create an infographic for 4 activities that we do a lot in our daily basis, we had to use 4 different techni Read More
