Aviation a personal journey 
An ongoing project to document important aspects of one hundred years of aviation
This is a personal quest on several levels to explore the technical and individual milestones in the development of manned fight. I hope to illustrate the journey from Kitty Hawk Sands to the Sea of Tranquility on the Moon. At the same time find my own visual vocabulary and style of painting with each illustration.
French SPAD XIII's 1918
Looking for trouble 1940
Spitfires of 74 (Tiger) Squadron 1941
P-51D Mustangs of the 354th Fighter Group
F-86F Sabres over Mig Alley 1953
The other Astronauts
The first orbit of the Moon, Christmas 1968
Apollo 15 on the Moon, July 1971
The Dawn of Flight
A mile from Glory
Fighter Sweep 1945


An exploration of aviation in an illustrated form, and ongoing project ultimately for publication.


Creative Fields