how do a name 
refer to an object?

a name is connected 
to an object throught an 
act of “primal baptism”,
in which the name
continues to refer to
that object even if all
the descriptive feautures
of the object have 
changed completely.

what it is in the object, 
beyond its descriptive features, 
constitutes its identity.

it is the name itself, 
the signifier,
which supports the 
idetity of the object.

something in it 
more than itself.

extract from Žižek, 
the sublime object of ideology 1989.
Saul Kripke’s ideas on antidescriptivism.


a name is connected to an object throught an act of “primal baptism”, in which the name continues to refer to that object even if all the descrip Lue lisää
