Piotr Michalczyk's profile

Tom Clancy's The DIVISION (User Interface)

I came onto Tom Clancy's The Division when the project was already in full swing. This was after the very succesful E3 gameplay trailer. The challenge was to follow the established style while designing new and redesigning already existing screens. I also became the person responsible for TCTD's icons and their style.

Icon design

Shape exploration for the iconic Rogue icon:
Screens from the game
main menu

Inventory is a huge part of the game and was designed together with Sebastian Reeve (UI Art) and Rune Rask Langkilde (UI Tech Art) under the supervision of our UI Director Anders Johansson and UI Art Lead Lars Vincent.

The following are concepts (motion and static) for HUD items and menu screens.
Tom Clancy's The DIVISION (User Interface)

Tom Clancy's The DIVISION (User Interface)

Tom Clancy's The Division is an online-only open world third-person shooter video game. It is set in a near future New York City in the aftermath Read More
