Josephine Vikkelsø's profile

Metro Mural Street Art Projekt

My piece - "The Park with the Curious Signs"
Metro Mural Street Art Projekt
Chosen Metro construction site: Vibenshus Runddel

The Metro construction site at Vibenshus Runddel is placed in a corner of the biggest park in Copenhagen, Fælledparken, were the park meets the street at a busy traffic light, were two main roads cross. I drew my inspiration from these two elements: the park, the traffic.

All around Copenhagen you will see plenty of street signs. When i took a walk around the construction site fence, this was no exception. That was were I saw these signs hanging around and I pictured this fun idea; The signs were also living things that would hop up and hang as needed, but some would also break away from their usual jobs and roam around the city. Perhaps some of these little things don't actually like the traffic and would prefer to seek out calmer chill-spots, just like the park. It was all very spur of the moment, random thinking, that brought me to work on this piece that shows some of the curious signs in a natural park-like area.

I stumbled upon a stretch of fencing that had a window, and thought at once that this would attract the signs attention and appeal to their curious nature. So the artwork ended up including three friends peering through the window, to see whats behind the fence.
Moodboard / Collected inspiration from the environment around the construction site
A close-up image from the piece. Here we see one of these living "signs", that hops around the park and is edging nearer the fence, to look through the window at the construction site. 
Metro Mural Street Art Projekt

Metro Mural Street Art Projekt

A KEA assignment. First assignment from the subject Graphic X, a part of my 3rd Semester.
