Shishi Nguyen さんのプロファイル

WHERE IS THE YELLOW? (children's book Illustration)

A beautiful image is being painted for all of the children in the world and every tube of paint in the palette is excited to be a part of, except for yellow. Yellow does not want to be squeezed and wrinkled and made ugly. She decides to escape, leaving the painting unfinished. What will the painter do without yellow?
Author of the book: Lê Thu Phương Quỳnh and Parul Batra
Illustrator: Shishi Nguyễn

[Page 1] I've added some water color texture and a little bit of color in this page.I've used the pencil to create shades for the illustrations.
Faux cover
                                                  WORK IN PROCESS
                                        ~~~~COLOR STORYBOARD~~~~
WHERE IS THE YELLOW? (children's book Illustration)
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WHERE IS THE YELLOW? (children's book Illustration)

WHERE IS THE YELLOW? A beautiful image is being painted for all of the children in the world and every tube of paint in the palette is excited to 詳細を表示

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