We've just launched a complete redesign of The Customs House... and it's incredible!

The new site's been completely re-designed, and totally re-built! All of their information, shows and details have been re-organised, and we've added a fantastic section for Tommy's Gang (including a great interactive 'Find Tommy' game!)

The new design not only organises the information in a more accessable way, but really pares back some of the visual clutter that was making their old site a little bit confusing. The side menu also fades back to allow users to concentrate on the main content area.

The site allows The Customs house complete control over their content and images, with a great, easy to use content management system, they can update their events, opening times, offers, and much more!

Their newsletters are all built and sent through the new website, giving Peter & co. the option to select which events to promote through the admin system, adding a title, and clicking send. It's that easy.

The site also allows for large advertising space for promoting their shows, giving the website customisable backgrounds, which really brings the site to life.

There's also an all new shop, where you can buy all manor of TCH gifts and goods, why not pop over and check it out!

Customs House

Customs House

Web design


Creative Fields