ixtract GmbH 님의 프로필

ixtract | Agile in automotive

Agile in Automotive Framework - KuglerMaagCie

From a complex Mind-Map to a self-explanatory Image. Together with the consultancy Kugler Maag Cie, we have comprehensively summarized the very complex issue of becoming "Agile" in the automotive industries.
German version:

The aim of the project was to cover the theoretical background of scrum, five principles, lean management and empirical process control, with the practical reality and transform it into a clear, comprehensible picture. Such a reduction can only be achieved if each visual element represents an explicit meaning and message.
Through our optimized approach, we were able to create and fix the layout very early, so that we were able to concentrate on the content and the graphic implementation almost from the start. The poster is based on 8 pillars, which a company has to consider while becoming "agile", such as management or quality assurance.

Details of individual image of our poster. Remember, each element has an excplicit meaning so all scenes really tell a story to reduce textual explanations.
The basis was an extremely detailed mind-map - a real brain-STORM (strength 10), which we had to bring under control.
Excerpt of the "summarized" Mindmap overview!
The core points which we reduced from the Mind-Map to served as a guide for the organization of our workshop.
Impressions from the 2-day workshop in which we analyzed, structured and customer-oriented all content. Finally after this process we were able to develop our idea of the poster.
The outcome of the workshops was this clear and easy to understand story. ;D
One detail of our graphical recording we did simultaneously to our workshop, to directly visualize what we ware talking about.
ixtract | Agile in automotive


ixtract | Agile in automotive

How to crop a widespread mindmap of a complex issue like "Agile In Automotive" into a single poster.
