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Watercolor "Road of Memories" by April Galamin

My new Midwest watercolor painting
Fleeting moments in the Northwoods Wisconsin
During the 11 years I lived in Michigan I did not get to my moms shack in the Northwoods Wiscosin, except for one time in 2009.

As I walked with the kids down a back road in Northern Wisconsin, the sun was setting.  It shined through the trees & looked awesome.  I kinda felt like I was in another world. I knew the moment wouldn't last long, so I began snapping pictures.

 The shadows were cast on the road & made an interesting pattern of lines. The color seemed surreal as the road appeared purple.  I took several pictures & those pictures & that moment in time is what this painting is based on.

I call it the "Road of Memories" 

I added these pictures to show some of the process of this painting. The last picture at the bottom is how the finished painting looked.

In the photos of the painting, the colors of the forest were not turning out true to the painting...the painting looks much better in real life.
Until I figure out how to make it exact, these pictures will have to do.

Enjoy & thanks for looking!!
Watercolor "Road of Memories" by April Galamin

Watercolor "Road of Memories" by April Galamin

Northwoods sunset through the forest watercolor painting by April Galamin
