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Book on The Estonian National Museum’s main building
"The Estonian National Museum’s main building at Raadi: an essay on spatial culture" tells the story of the newly built national museum of Estonia. Gregor Taul's essay, accompanied by plenty of visual material, took the form of five booklets. Their decreasing thickness is a comment on the form of the new building. 
The lower back side of the new building of the Estonian National Museum. It was built on the abandoned Raadi military airfield in Tartu. 
The front side of the new building of the Estonian National Museum in Tartu.
This image shows the covers of the five different booklets. The base grid is more visible in every following chapter. 
A composition with the slipcases that contain the five booklets.
Here you can see the cover of the first booklet. 
This spread from the first booklet shows the contents of the slipcase – the titles of the five booklets.
The first, most capacious booklet, titled "The museum and spatial culture", gives an overview of the national museum's history and contemporary architecture in Estonia. 
In this image, you can see the cover of the second booklet, titled "From the architectural design competition to construction".
A spread from the second booklet, titled "From the architectural design competition to construction". (The image shows artist Tanel Rander's protest against using the soviet military airbase as the building site for the Estonian National Museum.)
In this image, you can see the cover of the third booklet, titled "Estonian National Museum's new main building at Raadi". (The base grid is more visible in every following chapter.)
A spread from the third booklet showing the architectural plan of the museum's new building from the side.
A fold-out spread from the third booklet showing the detailed architectural plan of the museum's new building.

The fourth booklet contains a photo series of the almost-finished building of the Estonian National Museum.
The fifth booklet provides a closer insight into the works of Dorell Ghotmeh Tane (DGT) architects.
As a special edition, the architects designed a 3-D printed slipcase inspired by the form and surroundings of the museum's building.
Book on The Estonian National Museum’s main building


Book on The Estonian National Museum’s main building

"The Estonian National Museum’s main building at Raadi: an essay on spatial culture" tells the story of the newly built national museum of Estoni Mehr anzeigen
