The third Cereal Series character is here! But be careful! 'cause the friendly human dressed as Count Chocula has recently becomed into a convinced-to-be-a-vampire murderer and is ready to hunt. Guess I don't have to warn you about keeping your neck safe during breakfast,... should I?

A new and final crazed-up persona is on its way, work in progress will be posted soon.
I want to thank all in advance for the likes and support you've shown during this project. Enjoy.

Hope you like it like the others! Now stay tuned for our last cereal character of the series, i'll post the progress soon!

If you like you can follow my work HERE!
Count - Cereal series
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Count - Cereal series

The Third character for the Cereal Project, it's a personal point of view of The Count Chocula. He was remade in real life like the other two, bu Ver mais

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