The objective of this project was to design a contemporary flyswatter via the process of injection moulding. The challenge of this design was to create a product that breaks the monotony of existing designs and still be functional. In light of my personality, I chose to incorporate an element of fun in my design.
I drew inspiration from both man made structures and nature. I contemplated using an emoji face for a pattern initially but I wasn't keen on using a circular head.
The asymmetrical head was inspired by the fourth building facade above. Below is the final iteration of the pacman pattern. In addition to the pattern, different handle formations were explored as shown below.
I chose to make the handle slightly deeper in the hope that it would improve comfort.
Below are the final iterations of both the pattern and the handle.
Upon finalising my idea, I moved on to mock ups. My main concern was the handles which took up most my workshop time.
Once I was happy with the handle, I moved on to the actual prototype.
In hindsight, incorporating ribs and release tapers might've made this design more feasible.

Contemporary flyswatter

Contemporary flyswatter

The objective of this project was to design a contemporary fly swatter via the process of injection moulding.


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