Continuation of the series, which was started by the book H.O.U.S.E..
Book about art in which instead of traditional paintings and sculptures you can find all day long walks, planting a forest, talking with animals, slicing buildings, explosions, swimming, rafting and many other amazing stories.
Text: Sebastian Cichocki
Dwie Siostry Publisher, 
Warsaw 2011
Hardcover, 20 × 20 cm, 216 pages
John Cage, 4’33”, 1952
Michael Heizer, The City, 1972
Richard Long, A Line Made by Walking, 1967
Richard Long, A Line Made by Walking, 1967
Edward Krasiński, Blue Stripe, 1968-2004
Robert Smithson, The Spiral Jetty, 1970
Michael Craig-Martin, Oak Tree, 1973
Joseph Beuys, I Like America and America Likes Me, 1974
Bas Jan Ader, In Search of the Miraculous, 1975
Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Surrounded Islands, 1980-1983
Paola Pivi, Interesting, 2006
Ai Weiwei, Sunflower Seede, 2010


Continuation of the series, which was started by the book H.O.U.S.E.. Book about art in which instead of traditional paintings and sculptures you Leggi di più
