Henkilön Malcolm Hadley profiili

Sainsbury's | The Greatest Gift

The Greatest Gift
A Christmas musical created in stop frame animation featuring vocals by James Corden. It tells the story of Dave, a hard-working and devoted Dad, who realises that the greatest gift he can give people this Christmas is his time.
Over six weeks shooting with DOP Frank Passingham at Malcolm Ryan's studio, South West London. The shoot involved a huge degree of  complex planning to produce shots that would mix stop frame animation, motion control (Flair and Kuper systems), and visual effects.  We created between 6-9 units for shooting and setups. Captured on Canon 5D Mk iii with Zeiss-Contax prime lenses. 
Directed by Sam Fell
Produced by Glenn Holberton for Passion Pictures
Animation: Andy Biddle, Gary Curaton, Jeff Newitt, Ange Palethorphe
DOP Frank Passingham
LC Malcolm Hadley
Gaffers: Robin Brigham, Paul Molloy
Electricians: Dean Chambers, Jim Agnew, 
Camera Assistants: Jack Exton, Ollie Craig, Toby Goodyear, Toby McKay 
Kuper moco: Max Halstead Milo moco: Dig @ VFX CO 
Animation Rigger: Robin Jackson
VFX supervisor: Neil Riley
Agency: AMV BBDO 
Ange Palethorphe animates characters in the interior of railway carriage
Andy Biddle animates the penultimate shot of the commercial
Gary Curaton animates Dave in the Factory set
Jeff Newitt planning his next move 
Some of the many thousands of  3D printed faces created by Mackinnon & Saunders.
The Rigging department  - Ready for anything 
Sainsbury's Christmas Food produced by Pulse Films
Sainsbury's | The Greatest Gift


Sainsbury's | The Greatest Gift

Official Christmas Advert 2016
