Profil appartenant à Aashka Chavda

Edutainment games for GEDA

A set of 15 with a mix of board games & virtual games 
The Owl is the mascot & its name is !E . It changes its character as per the game's requirement. 
This is a metal board with sticker print and is played using blow darts. It is renamed as "Phoonk No Nishano"
This game is based on the famous "Snakes & Ladders" renamed as "Urja Vinimay"
Game based on the local indian game "Nagolchu" renamed as "Urjalchu". Each piece is laser etched block of wood.
Packaging cover for games. This one is for the game above " Urjalchu"
Card Game : Tamne Khabar Che?"
Game based on Jenga. 
Poster for event of unveiling the Games.
Edutainment games for GEDA
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Edutainment games for GEDA

This project was a team effort of TIOLI & me. A set of 15 edutainment games for Gujarat Energy Development Agency along with CEPT University.

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