Henkilön Matt Cisz profiili

Campaign for Clean Water

Campaign for Clean Water
A project to bring light to the dangers of hydraulic fracturing
The Campaign for Clean Water was a project to shed light on the dangers and harmful chemicals used in the hydraulic fracturing process. What a lot of the public is just learning is that chemicals are pumped down into the earth and with a combination of water and sand, fracture the earth's crust so oil and natural gas can be extracted. The only issue being, that with the exemption from the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Clean Water Act, companies like Haliburton among others don't have to disclose the harmful chemicals they use in the process. If you have ever seen videos of flammable water coming from a faucet, this is a direct result.

As far as the designs go, I wanted to keep things extremely simple and let images or graphics do the talking. I have always enjoyed the simplicity of swiss design and I think it definitely pokes its head into all of these posters in one way or another.
Campaign for Clean Water

Campaign for Clean Water

A project to shed light on the harmful effects of hydraulic fracturing.
