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Home Elegance 2015 - inspire Q

Home Elegance 2015 - inspire Q

針對消費者的居家裝修疑問和困境,提供豐富品項和風格選擇的美國品牌-- Home Elegance InspireQ 便是最完美的解答。為了呈現這個品牌的特色與價值,JL DESIGN 刻劃幾個常見的情境,製作四支詼諧而節奏明快的廣告,希望 InspireQ 能夠在消費者心中留下深刻的印象,成為居家裝修的第一選擇。

Home Elegance InspireQ is the perfect solution to home owners that are inspiring interior decorators. In line with the brand’s lively and modern selection, four short films that exude humour are designed to impressed upon the target audience that InspireQ is a furniture line after their own hearts.

Credits /
Design Agency: JL Design.tv
Creative Director:蔡旻驊 David Tsai
Executive Producer:巫安琪 Angela Moo
Senior Producer:蔡佳穎 Chia Ying Tsai
Project Manager: Jerry Fang 方宜正
Art Director: Lance Wei 魏良恩
Designer: Orange Chen陳郁文, Julian Chen 陳安, Jarvis Lim林旂鋒
Post Production :Pixelfly Digital Effects Co., Ltd. 傳翼數位影像股份有限公司 
Director: Arvin Chen 陳駿霖
Executive producer: Sky Chao 趙天豪
DOP: Aaron Meister
Art Director: Joey Lovell
Production Designer: Sky Limit Pictures Co.,Ltd. 頑影映像有限公司 / Michael Hayes(美國協拍)
Producer: Vero Shamo-Garcia / Matthew Hsu
Editing: Budding Chen 陳韻如 
Casting: Lynde Hock
Stylist: Joni Sternberg
Music : Wen Hsu, Rockid Lee(MUSDM)
想法篇 - 有InspireQ,不怕設計沒想法 |
有人煩惱於無法在多種設計風格裡做抉擇,也有人苦於對設計完全沒有想法。在這支廣告裡,兩對風格迥異的情侶與設計師拍檔,以一來一往的對話呈現出令人發笑又困惑的情境,無論木訥的情侶對設計多麼沒想法,設計師總給予熱情的回應和肯定。這支廣告藉由這樣矛盾的情節設計傳達出:InspireQ 無數家的風格任你搭配選擇,一時沒有想法,也是好想法!

No Idea - InspireQ, no idea is a good idea |
Some home owners may have no idea where to start and this can lead to frustrating situations. But at InspireQ, even if you have no idea, it is of little concern to us, simply because, with the extensive designs, any home owners can mix and match to their heart’s content. The interior designers definitely agree. Come to InspireQ, no idea is a good place to start.
家人篇 - 有InspireQ,不怕家人意見多

Family - InspiredQ, no ideas too many.
Home is where the heart is and family is home. Except when everyone has their idea of how the home should look like, things might start to fall apart. But at InspireQ, your family can have many differing views as we can fulfil everyone’s wishes. So come to InspireQ, no ideas are too many.
預算篇 - 有InspireQ,不用擔心設計費 |
居家設計雜誌裡美輪美奐的照片讓人心生嚮往,但昂貴的設計費總讓人提不起尋求專業設計師的勇氣。在這支廣告中,一位精明的家庭主婦帶著貼滿了標示貼的居家設計雜誌,幹勁十足的坐在設計師的辦公室內,充滿野心卻又十分擔心高昂的設計費,設計師一句:I am not charging you,讓她又驚又喜且無所拘束的開始描述心中的完美居家設計。以超乎常理的劇情設計傳達出:只要有InspireQ,不用擔心設計費。

No Budget - InspireQ, no budget too small |
The ideal interior design seems to cost a fortune, especially if you peruse fancy home decor magazines with fantastical decoration. But at InspireQ, cost is the least of your worry, as you can mix and match at will from the extensive catalogue that the line offers; so when the interior designer deadpans, “I am not charging you” to the home owner, he is being dead serious. If you are worried about the budget, come to InspireQ.
默契篇 - 有InspireQ,不怕設計師不懂你 |
在選擇居家風格時,內心總會有數不清的想法拼湊出理想的完美藍圖,但在轉述給設計師的時候卻不一定能夠完整的被理解吸收。這支廣告中的設計師像是會讀心術一般,對於客戶的需要瞭若指掌,我們運用巧妙的鏡頭切換,在最後才讓兩位主角同時出現在畫面中,揭露出原來他們是默契十足的雙胞胎。透過超現實的詼諧劇情傳達:如果你找不到這麼懂你的設計師, InspireQ 是你最完美的選擇。

One Mind - InspireQ, knows your design |
When it comes to decorating a home, it can become overwhelming and the perfect plan may be hard to articulate even to the interior designer. But at InspireQ, the interior designer listens and understands all the needs of the home owner, in fact, it appears they are of one mind. Not only that, they even look like the same person - a humorous portrayal to emphasis that If you cannot find an interior designer that knows you, come to InspireQ.

Home Elegance 2015 - inspire Q

Home Elegance 2015 - inspire Q

Home Elegance InspireQ is the perfect solution to home owners that are inspiring interior decorators. In line with the brand’s lively and modern Se mer


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